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Prematel services:
because parents deserve our attention as well

Having a newborn in an intensive care unit is a heavy burden for parents and families. The Prematel team of volunteers takes the time to listen and if needed reorient parents and families to relevant resources.

The Prematel platform offers several channels of help and information.

What parents say about Prematel

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« ... the Prematel volunteers were like angels coming to say hello that day. Their presence allowed me to exteriorise, to relax ... as I could really let go.  I had tears coming up for the first time. After telling my story and letting go my concerns to you i felt like liberated.  (Free translation form English to French) » 

Ramata, mother of Ariela, born at 24 weeks

«Seeing you is an additional support. The family may be there but they don't experience what is happening to us in the Nicu. You understand us better. Even when we were tranferred to another hospital, you kept on visiting us... and that really gave us a moral boost. The periodicity of your visits (2/month) allows to put changes and experiences into perspective. You understand us so well.  You never talk about yourselves, you focus on our story and that is a great relief. (Free translation form English to French) » 

Falhon, mother of Shana born at 24 weeks

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"... I really needed volunteers to talk to. It was unexpected. When I felt really bad, it did so much good to have people just listening to you. I could empty my heart about what happened to Kyara. 

When you wonder if it's going to be allright all day long, fearing for the worst, you always found the right words to calm my aching motherheart..." Free translation from English to French.

Nawal mother of Kyara born at 32 weeks


" For us it was really important to have the Prematel volunteers come along. It were very tough times for Sara and for us but the volunteers gave us the feeling to really understand our concerns.  It was very reassuring. Suddenly we had the feeling that our babies have a place, that they really exist. 

Anyhow it helped me a lot to have regular visits of the volunteers and I am convinced it helps a lot of the parents." (free translation from French)

Sandra mother of Sara born at 24 weeks


Prematel "listening" volunteers

Prematel "listening" volunteers are carefully selected for their empathy and listening capacity. They  receive comprehensive traing in Active Listening and are buddied by a senior volunteer during 1-2 months before starting to visit parents in neonatal wards.

Will YOU be our next volunteer?

We are always looking forward to meet new candidates with high level of empathy.

Ideally you have been confronted to neonatology or you have experience as a life coach.

Listening volunteers must - be fluent in French or Dutch - follow a training in active listening - be able to perform at least 2 x 3 hours per month on fixed base.

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