The "Zero Separation Tour Brussels" is an initiative of Noah's Ark Belgium in collaboration with HUB Erasme/Huderf. Your hosts will be Dr. A. Vuckovic (HUB Huderf), Dr. D. Kelen (HUB Erasme), Ms. E. Huet (HUB Erasme) & Ms. L. van der Elst (Noah's Ark Belgium)
English presentations will feature French simultaneous translation and French presentations will feature English simultaneous translation (ON DEMAND).
09h00 Registration and welcome coffee
09h50 Parent testimonial (French)
10h00 Dr. Nils Bergman, Public Helth Physician, Karolinska Institute, Sweden:
“Nurture Science a case for Zero Separation” (English)
11h00 Coffee break
11h20 Parent testimonial (French)
11h30 Dr. Stina Klemming, Senior Consultant in Neonatology, NIDCAP Trainer, Sweden “Immediate Skin to Skin & Couplet Care” (English)
12h30 Dr. Dorottya Kelen, Associate Chief of Staff &
Mrs Emilie Huet, Head of Nursing HUB Erasme Neonatal Unit
“Continuous skin-to-skin care and transfer: the TANDEM” (French)
13h00 Sandwich lunch
14h00 Dr. Anna Amoruso, Néonatologist, HUB HUDERF:
“Physiological Clamping of the Umbilical Cord” (French)
14h30 Parent testimonial (French)
14h40 Dr. Nathalie Charpak, Director of the Kangourou Foundation, Colombia:
“Premature baby, premature family, premature brain” (French)
15h40 Coffee break
16h00 Michel Collart, Ambassador of ESCNH:
“Overview of the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health” (French)
16h30 Olivier Baré, Director Modulo Architects
“Family Centered Hospital Architecture: learnings for the NICU” (French)
17h00 End
Doctors : 100 euro
Paramedics : 50 euro
Students : 25 euro*
* 30 first student registrants = free offered by Kid's Care
Simultaneous translations : 10 euro
Auditoire Lise Thiry
Campus HUB Erasme
Route de Lennik
1070 Anderlecht
Jeudi 15/05
9h00 - 17h00
Metro Line 5 coming from South trainstation Brussels (arrival of all international trains Eurostar/TGV...)
Metrostation "Ersame" under the HUB Campus